

The District Chief Executive for Bongo, Alexis Ayamdor has cautioned assembly members against acrimony, backbiting and pull-him down syndrome among other negative attitudes which do not augur well for development in the district.
Speaking at the 2nd Ordinary Meeting of the 7th Bongo District Assembly on Thursday, he urged members to push forward the development agenda of the district and eschew any attitude that will not benefit the district. He urged them not to allow partisan politics to cloud the development agenda of the district.
“Our duty here is to provide services to the benefit of our people. I am therefore appealing to members to put our political differences behind us in order to forge ahead to move the district forward. We need to remind ourselves that we are all one people with a common destiny. We must therefore commit ourselves to ensuring a healthy relationship devoid of acrimony, backbiting, unfounded allegations and pull-him down syndrome. This relationship must thrive on brotherly and sisterly love, mutual respect and a sense of purpose.”
“The district which was created in 1988 has gone far in terms of education, water and sanitation, health, roads and electricity” he added.
Enumerating the many projects being brought to the district by the government of the National Democratic Congress, Alexis Ayamdor stated that the Better Ghana Agenda as promised by the NDC government is still on course and government shall continue to work to change the lives of its citizens positively and transform Ghana for the better.
In the area of education, the DCE mentioned that the assembly has completed a 2No. 3unit classroom blocks and ancillary facilities at Feo and Soe while similar projects are being constructed at Amanga and Awaa which are all funded by the District Assembly Common Fund (DACF).
“We are also using the District Development Facility to procure 794 pieces of metal dual desks, 18 pieces of tables and 36 chairs for teachers in some selected schools district wide” he noted.
According to him, the Global Partnership for Education Grant (GPEG) and Government of Ghana through the district have provided 600 dual desks, 226 metal dual desks, 6 toilet facilities and 7 urinals to the District Directorate of the Ghana Education Service. The government of Ghana he said, under the World Bank project known as Secondary Education Improvement Project (SEIP) is implementing rehabilitation and construction of projects in Bongo, Gowrie and Zorkor Senior High Schools all in the district. He disclosed that the district is also benefiting from the 200 Community Senior High Schools promised by John Dramani Mahama and the project which he said is at foundation level is at Azeem Namoo.
“We do not want our children to believe that challenges of bad results which are traced to poor infrastructure, teaching and learning materials should be the reason to give up education and drop out of school. Our children must take their destinies into their own hands whilst we also take steps to ameliorate these challenges,” he stressed.
He also urged parents to give the necessary support to their children at home. He noted also that for the children to succeed and take up leadership positions in future, parents must accept their responsibilities.

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