
Onaapo Atadwe Ginger Miss Upper East 2018 – Miss Rakia Bukari crowned as Queen

Miss Rakia Bukari, a final year Nursing student was adjudged winner of the 2018 Miss Upper East pageantry after facing stiff opposition from other contestants on the night amidst spectacular performances.
The event which came off at the GNAT Hall auditorium witnessed high patronage with the father of the region Hon. Rockson Bukari present to give a keynote address as well as endorsed Ayelbis Events & Miss Upper East beauty pageant. The program which was slated to kick start at 7pm exactly eventually started around 9:30pm.
Although the program started late, the whole auditorium was full with lots of entertainment and education, Close to 100 or more could be seen outside the auditorium standing just to catch a glimpse of the show.
The Show which started with Eleven finalists saw eviction of five.
The Judges scored the remaining SIX, based on their performances during QUESTIONS AND ANSWER session.
Some of the performances on the Night were; Cultural Display, catwalk, talent display & their Messages..
Other Individual Awards include:
Miss Eloquent – Rakia
Miss Catwalk – Vero
Miss Talent – Vero
Miss Photogenic – Mary
People’s Choice Award ( Miss Popularity) – Gina
Miss Personality – Rakia
Miss Culture – Prospera
Miss Rakia took home a Luojia Motor bike, the Ist Runner Up Miss Mary took home a Laptop and Miss Prospera the 2nd Runner Up got a a 32 inches Plasma satellite Television.

Consolation prizes were given to all other contestants for participating.
The Stage MC’s were Mr. Samuel Awuni ( Sobolo) & Ms. Sheila Anapoa. The Red Carpet interviews were hosted by Bra Koffi Dallinton and Rida. The Dj for night was DJ Caleb. The official Ambassador  for the event was Queen Poka.
The CEO of JOCOM Golden Hotel was present and gave his full support for the event and wished the organizers a better event next year.
Rockcity music group was honored at the maiden edition of Miss Upper East 2018 for their contribution towards the promotion of music and Art in the Upper East Region. The event was planned and organised by Ayelbis Events and sponsored by Onaapo ATADWE Ginger.

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