
NABOCADO trains Vea youth into catfish farming

Despite agriculture being the major contributor to Ghana’s Gross Domestic Product as well as providing employment, majority of Ghana youth still see it to be a waste of time and recourse.

It is against this backdrop that Navrongo Bolgatanga Catholic Diocese (NABOCADO), a non-governmental organization based in the Upper East Region has taken the initiative of training youth into Catfish farming.

The organization, chaired by Dominic Aveah, thinks that agriculture which ensures food security and also contributes immensely to the health and well-being of people cannot be overlooked; therefore youth need to take revered steps towards it.

“There is the need to develop more strategic interventions and approaches to attract the youth into fish farming, particularly the informal sector. In this regard, the goal of our policy is to promote youth participation in agriculture, through Catfish farming.  Indeed, we give them, training, resources and check them from time to time to see if they are doing what they have learnt.” He said.

In view of that, beneficiary youth in the Vea Community of the Bongo District lauded the organization when A1 news visited them at their prospective fish ponds.

“…we would have run to the city (Accra) in search of jobs if we had not had this intervention. We therefore encouraged our colleagues from far and near to join the initiative.” They said with much excitement.

Source: | Moses Apiah | Ghana

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