
African Network of Youth Policy Experts (AfriNYPE) Ghana Commemorates African Youth Day

The African Youth Day was proclaimed and instituted on the occasion of the African Youth Charter adoption in the Executive Council Decision of the Banjul Summit in 2006.
As African youths celebrate this august day on the theme “ Promoting Youth Mainstreaming As a Catalyst towards Harnessing The Demographic Dividend”, we at AfriNYPE Ghana, would like to draw the attention of the Ministry of Youth and Sports , National Youth Authority and it’s affiliates to the need of mainstreaming the Ghanaian youth in core National decision making.
The National Youth Authority as the mouth piece of the youth in government should as a matter of urgency inculcate the youth into Formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of National Policies.
The process of giving priority to the needs of the youth, and considering their decisions, helps to pave way for capacity building and positive exposure. The various youth across the country will feel a sense of belonging when their suggestions are considered and implemented.
In addition, AfriNYPE sees the need for government to mainstream the youth. This will strengthen youth participation and partnerships in nation building and governance. The call for the Mainstreaming is not only the duty of the government ministries and agencies but also involves private organizations and institutions in the country undertaking key assignments.
AfriNYPE Ghana believes that, when the youth are involved in the formulation and implementation of key policies in the country, it will in the long run build their momentum for the future and also make them responsible and disciplined citizens of the country. Ghana’s huge youthful population represents a great future that needs to be properly nurtured.
To conclude, AfriNYPE Ghana call on the Minister for Youth and Sports and the Executive Director for the National Youth Authority to ensure that Parliament of Ghana passes the Youth Bill into law; in so doing the concerns of the Ghanaian youth will become a matter of priority.
As we go into the elections, we humbly call on our fellow youths to desist from all kinds of hooliganism before, during and after the elections. We should remember that, the Peace of Ghana can never be risked for anything or personality
The African Network of Policy Experts (AfriNYPE), Ghana Chapter a youth centered NGO seeks to empower the youth in Ghana through the contribution to theoretical creation and the practical implementation of youth policies in Ghana.
Thank you.
Signed: Emmanuel Agyemfra Boateng
(Communications and Advocacy Officer)

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