10 Northern Ghana Brands You Must follow on Instagram

In a series of articles I will be releasing this month, I will reveal business brands and personalities on social media worthy of following. Aside from the informative and business content they share, they could also inspire you. I believe your following could also help push these businesses and personalities forward.

Today, I present to you brands that promote northern Ghana content and products on Instagram. These businesses are either situated in the northern part of Ghana or are run by Northerners. They range from businesses in the real estate sector to online shopping and digital creative industry.
These are 10 northern Ghana brands you should consider following on Instagram. Let me have your say after reading this article. Do you know of other brands in Northern Ghana, please leave their names in the comments section. I will check them out and may include them in the second part of this article.

Since its inception, Instagram has proven to be a powerful marketing tool for businesses looking to expand their presence and the visibility of their products. If you have not jumped on the Instagram bandwagon yet, you may be doing your business a great disservice. If you still need convincing, then check out these 10 reasons why Instagram is continuously rising in importance and how your company can benefit.
Lets get over to our list now.


SmockHub is a fashion brand that produces African inspired accessories using the northern fabric known as fugu or smock to produce all kinds of smock types for both local and the international market. They produce unisex smocks, shirts, shoes , bags , birkenstocks and all kinds of designs.

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Moab Properties

Moab Properties managed by Roger Lari is into real estate marketing, rental, sale of real estate properties and construction.
Hotline:0208343185 Office Line: 0382021912 Email:

Joseph Nyaaba Photography

Joseph Nyaaba is a photographer based in Bolgatanga, upper east region-Ghana. They cover events such as weddings, outdoorings, picnics and parties.

Northern Experience Gh

They produce baobab powder, shea butter and honey products all certified by the Food and Drugs Authority.

Billa Smock

Billa Smock as the name implies are into high quality Smocks and fabrics from Northern Ghana. is a website dedicated to the stories from the northern part of Ghana. Established in 2015, the site provides the history and traditions of northern Ghana including entertainment news.

North Creations

North Creations is in the digital creative industry. They are experts in branding, graphic designing and printing.


ZidaGH is a group that sells handwoven baskets and T-shirts
These baskets which comes in different brands for different purposes are produced by locals from surrounding villages in the Northern part of Ghana. The baskets are made from elephant grass (pennisetum pupureum) a robust tropical African grass which is able to withstand wide range of weather conditions and systems. Due to the versatility of the grass, products made from it are incredibly durable. These baskets are made by young male and female artisans who have been handed down the skill of weaving from generation to generation.

Nock Afriq

Nock Afriq is into the sales of quality Northern Fabrics, Smocks and accessories, both handmade and machine made (Retail and wholesale). They allow pre Ordering and customizations. Best in designing northern fabrics and appliques.

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From Lamisi

They are an online shop selling handmade Leather and Straw Bags.

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