
Teachers Are Not Poor; They Just Have More time to Spend their Income – U/W CAGA Secretary

Secretary of Concerned About Ghana Association [CAGA] has opposed the perception that teachers have no money or take home insignificant amounts.

Mr. Tuorimuo Elvis Philip, CAGA Secretary for Upper West.

Mr. Tuorimuo Elvis Philip, Secretary of CAGA suggested that teachers are very rich but the over dependence of family and lack of planning has always been the issue, he also added that teachers unlike other workers like Bankers, Nurses, Administrators have more time to spend their monies.
Full Statement By CAGA Secretary
Its not a new thing we are hearing of, some Teachers exhibit poverty sometimes, some ride a motorbike for over seven years, others wear some particular clothes for years without replacing the wordrope as a way to manage.
Some of these teachers have a lot in their hand, their impoverished extended families push them through education programs in tertiary institutions as a way of securing them quick employment when they come out, this is done because these guardians have a lot of burden at home waiting for this teacher, immediately his salary starts hitting the account they start bringing him the problems, he has to pay fees, take care of his wife and kids if any and in addition he has to fuel that motobike which consumes a lot of fuel and brings inn maintenance debts.
Others go in for ill counselling and in the end go for loans to support these unproductive counseling suggestions from friends.
A teacher goes to work at 7:00am and close at 3:00pm the rest of the time is outside the school so they move, not by foot but motorbikes, this is fuel going I guess, when they move they buy things, relax and spend on food or drinks, others come into contact with ladies and get some time for them due to the job schedule. They go on vacation and with vacations you have time to roam, travel, attend funerals, ceremonies and even go into politics, all these involves spending so who said you will still have more money?.
Let’s look at the other side, its very rare for these loan firms to visit hospitals, police stations etc in order to influence people to come for loans, they prefer teachers because teachers get time for them, anytime they go to the hospital there is no staff room for them to be hosted, entertained.
Teachers also spend more resources in moving/travelling which is very expensive, how can you save? Renting two apartments at a time, when you are here you have a house, when you are there you have a house without exempting what you buy in excess to make the room complete(mattresses, TV sets, pay electricity bills etc) money wasting, so who said teachers are poor?.
The planning is the major issue.
I will by this give my suggestions on how teachers can manage their riches.
Firstly, seek a transfer away from extended family, this doesn’t mean you’ve abandoned them, it means you won’t have to always do every little thing. Once in a while you solve a problem and you are done, What people see pushes them to demand for the excess, when you see wealth you demand wealth.
So shift from associates.
Secondly, Avoid hastening to put up a structure/house, hasten to upgrade your qualification, with that you can get more money to start up a structure, a house won’t bring you money instantly it will only push you to loans and in the end reduce your income to nothing. This will frustrate you and make you lose interest in your work and at that time you won’t have enough to further your studies which could help you earn more salary. Don’t think of completing a building project now as a junior teacher, upgrade first.
Thirdly, Try to do away with loan firms and workers there, don’t be too close with them and avoid keeping their contacts to avoid temptation, loans are a root to frustration and failure, if it will take 5years to repay a loan, how many years do you have left to go on retirement that you have to spend 5years of your life working for someone.
Forthly, Know the kind of Vehicle you use to work and how it is draining you silently, some motorbikes or cars you use are worse than these loan firms you go to, check fuel consumption of motorbikes or cars before you buy and use them, also check the cost of replacing worn out parts, these petty things take out huge sums from your salaries without your notice so as a teacher the engine capacity recommended for you based on you capacity is (110 engine capacity motorbikes) any capacity beyond that is draining your salary. Buy a good bike, a teacher shouldn’t use a car till you have built you own house.
Lastly, teachers feel they should be into business because they have more time, yes that’s true but not all teachers are endowed with business talent, some teachers to an extent take loans to start up businesses without extensive business plans and ideas, others take loans and go into political issues without trying to first discover their field of talent, this leads teachers to imitate others and lose in the end, discover your self first before
Venturing into certain activities.
Checks by Proves A diploma Teacher(Senior Superintendent) takes home Ghc1,200 whilst a Degree Teacher(Principal Superintendent) Takes home Ghc1,600.
By : CAGA, Upper West.

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