
Navrongo Municipality To Get It’s Share Of Traffic Light Systems – Tangoba Abayage

The Upper East Regional Minister, Tangoba Abayage has hinted that, the Navrongo municipality will soon get ultramodern traffic lights to regulate traffic and reduce the spate of accidents in the area.

The municipality has lacked the presence of traffic lights to regulate movement of vehicles and motorists and well as aid pedestrians to cross roads, a situation that has resulted in motor accidents and in some cases, deaths.

Speaking to A1 News, Madam. Abayage, said, the Navrongo municipality together with other two municipalities will soon receive its share of traffic systems, adding that, the project when completed will be historic in the region.

“When I got into the region, one of the realty check for me was the streetlight in the capital,Bolgatanga and the traffic light . Almost every other day,it will go off . I was bombarded on social media, what are you doing and all that. I’m glad to announce that, contract has been awarded for the three municipalities Bolgatanga, Bawku and Navrongo to benefit from modern day traffic light system.

Now you noticed that what we have now in the regional capital is the old-old type , so as far as back as 2018 , I called the Urban  Roads Director to my office and asked him to write a letter to the Minister for Roads and Highways requesting for modern day traffic light system not only in the Bolgatanga municpality but also in the two other Municipalities because they qualify for that”.

Madam. Abayage explained that, the Bawku municipality will get five terminals while, terminals in Bolgatanga will be expanded at some identified spots for installment.

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She added that, work on the installment of ultramodern street lighting system in Bolgatanga to aid in visibility and curb crime was progressing steadily.

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