
Abudu Royal Family Condemns attack resulting in the death of one and four others injured

The Abudu Royal family has released a statement condemning the attack on the family leading to one person dead and four others injured. They are asking the government to call the Andani Royal Family to order, claiming they gathered information five days ago of an imminent attack on Yendi and Gbonglana Abdulai Mahamadu.
Read the full statement below
DATED 11/01/2019
The Abudu Royal Family wish to request of Government and the Security Agencies, to call on the Andani Royal Family to as a matter of urgency rein in their hoodlums; who even at the full glare of state security could discharge ammunitions from their weapons, leading to the death of an innocent citizen and injuring four others. As if a well choreograph and rehearsed exercise, the hoodlums; who were in the convoy of the Sagnarigu Chief, went on rampage and burnt houses belonging to members of the Abudu Royal Family, within the vicinity of the Gbewaa Palace and without any restrain from the security detail at the Gbewa Palace.
His Royal Highness, the Reigning Regent of Dagbong; GBONGLANA ABDULAI MAHAMADU is unhappy with this development, particularly at a time the world over is heaving a sigh of relief from the protracted disagreement between Royal Families of the same ancestry. He condemns this yesterday’s incident unreservedly and calls on the people of Yendi and Dagbong to consider the perpetrators as the Enemies of PEACE. He bemoaned the attitude of the Security Agencies in failing to act expeditiously upon the many intelligence the family shared with them.
Since Monday, we gathered information from the grapevine indicating an imminent attack on the good people of Yendi and His Highness; Gbonglana Abdulai Mahamadu in particular. Some of our informants from the Andani Royal Family indicated to us that, they; members of the Andani Royal Family are to resist any attempt at giving credence to the principle of the “Rotational System”, as was ordered by the Highest Court of our land; the Supreme Court in the case of Yakubu II v Abdulai [1984 – 86] 2 GLR. Our information is that, the nemesis and anger of some members of the Andani Royal Family is the performance of the funeral rites of His Royal Highness; Ya-Naa Mahamadu Abdulai IV in the Gbewaa Palace and consistent with the custom and tradition of Dagbong. This same intelligence hinted of a violent demonstration and destruction of properties against the continued occupation of the Dugu Palace by His Highness; Gbonglana Abdulai Mahamadu. Our informants have hinted us of their calculated strategy to indict the NPP administration again. Following this, the Abudu Royal Family reported these rumors to the security services with the hope of a swift response with a heightened vehicular search, increase surveillance and personnel on the ground before, during and after the funeral of the late Ya Naa Yakubu Andani.
Yesterday, the Sagnarigu Chief convoy arrived in Yendi and the intelligence became apparent, yet worrying. Sagnarinaa’s convoy entered Yendi with a certain level of bravado; alien to the norm, with members of his entourage openly displaying sophisticated weapons, catapults and machetes. Many residence in Yendi reported of body lacerations, anywhere the convoy drove passed and complaints of heavy ammunitions being waved at them. Entering the vicinity of the Temporary Palace and that of the Gbewa Palace, right at the V-junction is one of the Traditional Houses of Dagbong Warriors (Duwayili); few meters from where His Highness; Gbonglana Abdulai Mahamadu resides, then guns went off from the convoy and directly at a popular spot; where members of the Duwayili family and their friends; predominantly members and sympathizers of the Abudu Royal Family were seated. This painful and unfortunate incident, resulted in the death of one man and four others sustaining various injuries. Two houses belonging to members of the Abudu Royal Family; one being that of the residence of the grandmother of His Highness; Gbonglana Abdulai Mahamadu and adjacent the Temporal Palace of the Kampakuya Naa were also burnt.
This single incident is a sufficient indication of the intention of some bad nuts within the Kingdom to foment further troubles in Yendi and other parts of Dagbong. The Abudu Royal Family, though committed to the ongoing Peace Process, will not sit aloof for our lives and properties to be threatened and destroyed by the saboteurs and detractors of Dagbong and the ongoing Peace Process. Any further report of violence of any sort aimed at members and sympathizers of the Abudu Royal Family will receive an equal, if not more in return.
We have since monitored media reportage and somewhat, shocked with the factual inaccuracies and blatant lies from some members of the media fraternity on this incident. Our attention has been drawn to reports from some media houses, claiming that members of the Abudu Royal Family rather attacked the convoy that entered Yendi to participate in the funeral of the late Naa Yakubu Andani. We unequivocally state that such reports are not only untruth, but mischievous and maliciously a calculated attempt conspired to hide the truth from being told to the world. We call on the media to be circumspect, objective and professional in the discharge of their duty to the good people of Dagbong, Ghana and the world at large.
We also wish to call on the Committee of Eminent Chiefs to prevail upon Government and the Security agencies to swiftly arrest and prosecute perpetrators of yesterday’s incidence. Thank you.
Alhassan Iddrisu
(Secretary to the Abudu Royal Family)
024 877 0783

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