
NOKIA 2016 Comeback Officially Confirmed!

It’s been quite a long time since we saw the last smartphone with Nokia Brand on it. Nokia Phones has officially announced their plan to return to making phones, and not only Nokia smartphones but also Nokia tablets. More interestingly, they will run on Android OS, probably Android Marshmallow or Android N. Nokia’s Comeback 2016 will include the formation of a new company called HMD global Oy.
HMD global Oy has just been founded and based in Finland, headed by Arto Nummela, who used to be a senior Nokia executive and is managing a big part of Microsoft’s phone division. The important thing is that Nokia will join the HMD’s board of directorsand build up standards for performance and brand requirements. Nokia Inc. will make sure that “all Nokia-branded products exemplify consumer expectations of Nokia devices, including quality, design and consumer-focused innovation.”
Nokia Comeback 2016
Wow, that sounds absolutely great, rite?! Moreover HMD will invest 500 million dollars in global marketing for the next three years in order to strengthen the Nokia Brand in the mobile world. This is very good news, since Nokia 2016 is still a strong brand, but with the Marketing budgets of Apple and Samsung, they need to spend to get back on top! Does it mean we’re gonna see Nokia everywhere?


Nokia phones and tablets will come back simultaneously?

Last but not least, also related to Nokia comeback 2016’s plan, a company named FIH Mobile Limited (a subsidiary of Foxconn as well) will acquire the rights to Nokia feature phones from Microsoft in the H2 of 2016 after paying 350 million dollars. Additionally, they will acquire Microsoft Mobile Vietnam. who used to produce all Nokia Smartphones for Microsoft before.
Apart from those essential announcements, you need to note that Nokia has come up with an agreement with FIH “to establish a collaboration framework to support the building of a global business for Nokia-branded mobile phones and tablet.” Anyway, as there is still a lot of work for Nokia, HMD an FIH to do, you need to be a bit more patient to see how “the next wave of Nokia phones and tablets look like.” We are very excited for the Nokia Android Comeback 2016! Let’s do it together!

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