
Forward Developmental Suggestions to the Assembly – Sissala East co-ordinator

The Municipal Coordinating Director of the Sissala East Assembly has charged the citizenry to demand from authority how they are governing the municipality by suggesting ideas to them.

Mr. Roger Nabiebakye noted that “when you see that something is not being done well, do you come forward to suggest to the assembly? He question: and ‘ if you don’t then you are partly to blame for the state of the assembly. He said this after launching the Citizen’s Action For Accountable Governance (CAAG) project by Action For Sustainable Development (ASUDEV) with support from star Ghana Mr. roger added “we are stewards, we are only holding the mantle on behalf of the citizens” he called for all to see themselves as citizens and eschew ethnicity, religious and political biases by working in unison. The youth were advised to be united and live in peace as the municipality doesn’t have all the resource to keep peace at the expense of development by warning against any form of trouble. The citizens’ forum is being implemented in the Sissala East and Wa Municipal to promote transperancy, accountable and inclusive service delivery and development management at the local level.
By: Balu Mohammed

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