
Dagbon Traditional Council meets over creation of new region

The Dagbon Traditional Council on Tuesday met to deliberate on the inclusion of Chereponi in the proposed new North East Region.
The meeting is expected to bring an end to protests and agitations on why Chereponi should, or should not be part of the new region to be carved out of the Northern Region.

Chereponi is part of the Dagbon Traditional Area and located in the north-eastern part of the Northern Region close to the Togo border.
Since the announcement of the lists of the proposed regions by the Commission of Inquiry in the Creation of the New Regions, the chiefs of Dagbon, particularly Chereponi, have raised issues with the inclusion of Chereponi to the proposed North East Region.
The assumption is that separating Chereponi from the Northern Region and adding it to the new region which falls mainly in the Mamprugu area may mean Chereponi would have to pay allegiance to the Overlord Mamprugu.
The Overlord of the Mamprugu Traditional Area, Naa Bohagu Abdulai Mahami Sheriga who has been accused of masterminding the inclusion of Chereponi in the new region has however assured the chiefs of Dagbon that, Chereponi will only be added to the proposed North East Region for administrative purposes but the chiefs will still pay allegiance to the Overlord of Dagbon.
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