All is set for the Bongo District to get a shea butter processing factory under government’s flagship policy, 1 District 1 Factory; the District Chief Executive of Bongo, Peter Ayinbisa has disclosed.
1 District 1 Factory is one of government’s critical policies geared towards industrialization of the economy. Since the implementation of the initiative, Upper East Region is yet to receive its share of the policy.
But speaking during a general assembly meeting of members of the district, Mr. Ayinbisa said plans are advanced for a shea butter factory to be established in the district.
“When the factory is established, it would absorb 50 graduates”, he said.
Mr. Ayinbisa announced that the assembly is wooing investors to set up factories to explore in some natural resources such as clay and dimension of stones which the district is endowed with.
“Fortunately, the assembly is about signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with a company called TRADEX GLOBAL”, he stated.
Speaking on security, Mr. Ayinbisa admonished the public to be vigilant and report suspicious characters to the appropriate authorities for actions taken.
Source: A1radioonline.com|101.1Mhz|Joshua Asaah