
End Child Marriage – NGO Charges Northern Communities

Dalun Bihinaayili, Dalun kukuo, Nawuni, and Dalun communities all in Kumbungu Districts, Northern Region have received support from Empowerment Aid, a Non- Governmental Organization (NGO) based in Accra.
The organization visited the communities as part of its humanitarian project dubbed ‘End Child Marriage which aimed at Increasing Girl Child enrolment in schools.
The indigenes of the communities were advised not to give their children especially girls to marriage at early stage but should support their education.
The children were advised to study hard in order to grow up and become great people in the society. Donations such as school uniforms, books, bags, shoes and clothing were presented to the pupils.
Ms. Gifty Ayikande, a member of Empowerment Aid (NGO) inspired the pupils to take education serious since its only education that can help them develop their community and Ghana as a whole. She educated the women in the community to invest in their children’s education since an investment in education pays best the benefit.
The assemblyman of the communities, Mr. Mohammed Abubakari who couldn’t hide his joy thanked Empowerment Aid (NGO) for such an awesome donation and asked the government and other benevolent organizations and individuals to come and support them.
Source: Empowerment Aid

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