
YEA to recruit qualified persons

Mr Tanko Rashid-Computer, Northern Regional Director of Youth Employment Agency (YEA), has indicated that the Agency would henceforth recruit only qualified Ghanaian youth fit for the job market to enhance productivity.

He said there are a lot of qualified graduates and other persons with quality senior high school certificates who would be recruited in areas of the Community Police Assistance, Youth in Fire Service, Youth in Immigration and Youth in Prison service.
Mr Rashid-Computer disclosed this in a meeting with civil society organisations (CSOs) in the Region organised by the Youth Empowerment for Life (YEfL), a Tamale based NGO.
The meeting was aimed at brainstorming to see how best CSOs and other stakeholders in development could collaborate with YEA to help address youth unemployment in the country.
Mr Rashid-Tanko said the decision to recruit people with the requisite requirements was to ensure that the organisations, which would later absorb the beneficiaries, get quality personnel.
He announced that a total of 2,300 personnel would be recruited and given the needed training to serve in CHPS facilities while 482 qualified persons would also be employed to serve with Ghana National Fire and Ghana Prison Service.
Mr Tanko Rashid said additional 180 would be employed at Ghana Immigration Service in the region.
He said beneficiaries of YEA would receive allowances above the minimum wage and gave the assurance that there would be no delays in payment of beneficiaries’ allowances as it used to be.
He said some 1,299 persons applied for the E-Health module of YEA but only 60 of them could be employed in the region.
He said some people applied in misplaced areas such as Coastal Sanitation, which is a preserve of only those living in coastal areas.
Mr Rashid-Tanko said YEA recruitments are no longer ‘Job for the boys’ but all Ghanaians with qualifications are eligible to apply and assured of fair recruitment.
Madam Vera Morgan, Programmes Coordinator of YEfL said her outfit is interested in youth welfare and would continue to collaborate with agencies and organisations, whose work fall in line with its activities.
She said youth agitations in parts of the world could be attributable to unemployment and advised management of YEA to speed up the recruitment process to ensure that the youth especially those in the region are given jobs to curb conflicts.

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1 comment

Abdul Rahman July 13, 2016 at 12:22 pm

I want to about we those who choose for the industrial support how will be the callup date for us for training a


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