The forgotten President, Dr.Hilla Limann

Dr.Hilla Limann was born at Gwollu in the Upper West Region of Ghana on 24th December,1934. His parents were Bibini Yonu and Mma Hayawah. 1st lady Fulera Limann was his wife. He attended the lawra Confederacy Native Authority Primary School in the Upper West Region and later went to Government Middle School, Tamale and Teachers Training College Tamale.
At the Training College,Dr. Limann took part in local and district Council politic, where he also taught at for a year as a pupils teacher in Tumu. He later attended London school of Economics,University of Paris and had his PhD in Political science and Constitutional law.
In 1956 to 1960, Dr Hilla Limann was the District Councillor for Tumu District Council , Upper West Region. He became the foreign officer from 1965 to 1979 in the country. He was also the head of Chancellery of the Ghana embassy in Togo,Lome and the counselor for the Ghana permanent Mission in Geneva.
On 24th September,1979, Dr Hilla Limann was sworn in as the President of the 3rd Republic of Ghana on the ticket of the PNP (People’s National party). As the President of the country recovering from military distress, he attained lots of achievements for the country ranging from development,governance and foreign policy among others.
During his incumbency, Dr Hilla Limann raised funds to complete and inaugurate the Kpong Dam and also on the course of completing the Bui Dam after it had been abandoned following the overthrown of Dr Kwame Nkrumah.These two Dams have contributed massively to the energy supply of the country.He also contracted STX in North Korea to build four Cargo ships for the Black Star Line and introduced “Tata” buses into the country .In the agricultural sector, Dr Limann introduced the irrigation system in Northern region which lead to bumper harvest of rice to support the economy.
On 31st December 1981, Dr.Hilla Limann was overthrown by Lt.J.J Rawlings ,who was the Chairman of the AFRC.
He sadly passed away on January 23rd,1998 out of a natural cause and buried at Gwollu ,his home town.
Dr Limann is the President who served the shortest tenure in the political history of Ghana. Regardless of His short period in office , he achieved a lot for Ghana which is unprecedented. Indeed he was a great leader and needs to be celebrated.

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