CULTURE AND HISTORYThe History Of The Upper Region, Now Upper East.Daniel WundengbaAugust 9, 2020January 13, 2021 by Daniel WundengbaAugust 9, 2020January 13, 202102334 Background of the region Historically, the Upper East Region is part of what used to be the Upper Region (Upper East and Upper West), which...
UncategorizedUpper East Regional Hospital Receives 3 Incubators From UK Based BONABOTODaniel WundengbaAugust 8, 2020 by Daniel WundengbaAugust 8, 20200739 The United Kingdom based Bolgatanga, Bongo, Tongo and Nabdam Area (BONABOTO) has donated three (3) Airshied C2000 incubators to the management of the Upper East...
UncategorizedSenior High Schools In The Upper West Receive 12 Buses From GovernmentDaniel WundengbaAugust 8, 2020 by Daniel WundengbaAugust 8, 202001178 The government of Ghana has presented 12 buses to senior high schools in the Upper West Region. This follows the distribution of 100 buses to...