CULTURE AND HISTORYExtracts from Bulsa History: Sandema Chiefs before AzantilowBuluk.deJanuary 15, 2021January 15, 2021 by Buluk.deJanuary 15, 2021January 15, 202102169 The first Sandemnaab appearing in written sources available to me is Anaankum, whose name was spelled Naku or Nakon in early documents. His reign was...
OPINIONSInside the 'Witches' Camp, GambagaCharles WundengbaOctober 16, 2018January 13, 2021 by Charles WundengbaOctober 16, 2018January 13, 202104991 Gambaga witches camp in Ghana has housed ‘convicted’ witches for more than 200 years....