UncategorizedBawku West District Best farmer calls on colleagues to use organic fertilizerNorthern GhanaDecember 8, 2019 by Northern GhanaDecember 8, 201901185 Mr Thomas Azaibo, the overall best farmer of the Bawku West District has called on farmers to avoid burning their farm residue and use it...
OPINIONSHistory and Founding of BawkuBUKARI NASHIRUDecember 28, 2018January 13, 2021 by BUKARI NASHIRUDecember 28, 2018January 13, 20215 10515 Bawku was the third town to be founded by Naa Atabea after Sinnebaga and Binduri. This became necessary because Sinnebaga and Binduri alone were not...