
History About Turmeric And Its Benefits

Turmeric (Curcum Longa) is a rhizomaatous from the herbaceous plant of the ginger family, highly branched, yellow orange. The name Turmeric derives from the Latin word terra merita ( Meritorious Earth) referring to the color of ground Turmeric, which resembles a mineral pigment. Turmeric plant has a very long history of medical use, dating back nearly 4000 years. In Southeast Asia, Turmeric is not only used for spice but also as a component in Religious ceremonies. It probably reached China by 70 AD, East Africa by 800 AD, West Africa by 1200 AD and Jamaica in the eighteenth century. Today, Turmeric is widely cultivated in tropics and goes by different name in different cultures and countries.
9 Benefits Of Turmeric
Turmeric can block prostate cancer and even kill cancer cells. It can also stop tumour cells from growing, so it can guard the body from getting cancer in the first place.
Because Turmeric brings down swelling, it’s great to use for Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis. It also kills germs that harm body cells. People with Rheumatoid Arthritis who eat Turmeric all the time have gotten much rest from pain and joint swelling.
Turmeric can help cure diabetes, by keeping insulin at normal levels. It also helps with sugar control, and makes the medicine used for diabetes work. But if used with strong medicine, Turmeric can cause low blood sugar, so make sure to ask your doctor before you take Turmeric capsules.
Using Turmeric as a spice can bring down cholesterol level. Because high cholesterol can cause other health problems, it is important to stay on top of it to stop heart disease.
Turmeric helps keep the body’s immune system going. It also helps strengthen the immune system, because it kills bacteria, viruses, and fungi. This stops you from getting colds, coughs, and the flu. To help you feel better if you do get sick. Mix one teaspoon of Turmeric in a glass of warm milk and drink it once a day.
Because Turmeric naturally kills germs and bacteria, it can be used to clean wounds. If you have a cut or burn, sprinkle some turmeric powder on it to help it heal quicker. It can also help treat psoriasis_itchy, dead skin and other skin conditions.
Turmeric power can help keep the body at a proper weight, by helping break down fat. Someone who wants to lose weight or treat obesity and sickness that come with it, can have one teaspoon of Turmeric with every meal.
Turmeric can help with digestion, by lessening bloating and gas. It can also help treat inflammatory bowel disease. But be careful, because if you suffer from a gallbladder disease you should not take Turmeric, as that can make it worse. Also, if you have a digestive problem, it is best to eat raw turmeric and not capsules.
Turmeric is a natural way to force poisons from the liver. The liver takes poison out of the blood, and turmeric helps make that enzymes that keep it working. It also helps strengthen, and better blood flow. All of this helps to keep the liver healthy.

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