Facts About Hausa Koko And Koose

Hausa koko is a spicy porridge made from millet.

While koose is made from bean paste mixed with ground pepper and spices.

Koose is usually eaten together with Hausa koko.

It is very popular in the zongo communities. Hausa koko and koose is a popular breakfast meal, but many take it as a late afternoon snack. The best times to buy a bowl of Hausa koko is early in the morning and also between 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM.

Benefits of Hausa koko and koose.

Millet flour from which Hausa koko is made contains vital nutrients such as magnesium, calcium, manganese, tryptophan, phosphorus, fibre, vitamin B, as well as antioxidants, while beans from which koose is made contains iron and proteins.


Iron is an essential mineral needed by hemoglobin to carry oxygen through blood all around the body.

Beans from which koose is made contains large amounts of iron.

Iron deficiency anemia can cause fatigue, heart palpitations, pale skin, and breathlessness.


Proteins are large molecules that our cells need to function properly. They consist of amino acids.

The regulation of the body’s cells, tissues, and organs cannot happen without them. The main functions of proteins in the body are to build, strengthen and repair or replace things, such as tissue. Proteins can be found in beans.


Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body which makes it vital for good health.

We need to consume a certain amount of calcium to build and maintain strong bones and healthy communication between the brain and other parts of the body.

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Vitamin D helps the body absorb and retain calcium. It plays a key role in normal blood clotting.

Millet is a good source of calcium.


The body uses phosphorus to keep the bones strong and healthy. Phosphorus helps remove waste and repair damaged tissues.

It helps in managing the body’s energy usage and storage as well as helping with muscle contraction.

Phosphorus can be found in millet.

Hausa koko is not just popular because it is delicious. It’s an affordable meal patronised by people from all walks of life.

It’s also easy to get regardless of whether one finds oneself in a Zongo community or not.

While it goes perfectly with koose, Hausa koko is sometimes taken with groundnuts, pinkaaso, maasa, kuli-kuli, dakoa (zowe), and agao, a softer and fuller variant of koose.


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